Getting quality sleep can enhance your trip’s success and enjoyment. Even though there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, there are plenty of tricks you can try to keep sleep disruptions to a minimum. Because let’s face it: nobody wants to be the bleary-eyed zombie in all the business or holiday photos.
Let there be light
Light is like your body’s natural alarm clock. When you arrive at your destination, soak up as much daylight as you can, especially in the morning. This helps your internal clock adjust faster – plus, it’s a good excuse to get outside and explore.
Melatonin and caffeine: your sleep squad
Melatonin supplements can help shorten the time it takes to fall asleep in a new time zone. Caffeine, on the other hand, can help you power through your day – but be careful! Sip it wisely and avoid it in the afternoon if you want to avoid bouncing off the walls when it’s time for bed.
Move it, don’t snooze it
Move around regularly during long trips to keep your circulation going. Make sure to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, which can cause fatigue and headaches.
Adjust your sleep rhythm
Heading to a different time zone? Start shifting your bedtime a couple of hours forward or backward a few days before you leave. This little trick will make the time change less of a shock to your system. Jet lag doesn’t stand a chance.